
Macjournal manual
Macjournal manual

macjournal manual

This is one of those things that might be really easy for me to do, or really really hard. Yes, this is being considered for the future. Q: It would be cool if I could resize pictures that I drag into MacJournal. But for now it remains in Application Support. In the future, if MacJournal becomes more document-based, changes would be made. Microsoft Word creates a "Microsoft User Data" folder in my Documents folder every time I open it and it annoys me more each time. It would be annoying if Address Book put its data in your Documents folder because you would never touch it and it would just take up space. It's the difference between Address Book and TextEdit: TextEdit documents are all distinct and need to be handled individually, whereas Address Book handles your data for you.

#Macjournal manual free

So because the user does not have day-to-day interaction with the data file, it is not appropriate to put the data file in their Documents folder by default (you're free to change it yourself). In its current incarnation, MacJournal handles all of the data for you behind its back so you don't have to. This may seem arbitrary, but putting the data file where it is was actually thought out and it was decided to be the best place. Q: Why is the data file stored in Application Support? Wouldn't my Documents folder be better? This will probably be coming in something like MacJournal 3.0. So what are the solutions here? An option to store pictures outside of the big data file is forthcoming, but a better solution is to allow for multiple data files better coupled with a fancy new file format. This is most likely because of a lot of pictures being stored in the data file having a lot of entries and/or journals will not generally cause this by itself. This is due to a very large data file that MacJournal has to encode and write out to disk. Q: It takes a really long time to launch and quit what's up? This should be coming in MacJournal 2.7 along with nested journals. So it's another big chunk of assumptions that will need to be removed before this will work. A more level-headed developer probably would have made everything unsorted to begin with and then add sorting later, but such is life. Right now everything is assumed to be sorted it's been this way from the start. Q: Can I drag entries around inside of journals to reorder them? MacJournal 2.6 represents a lot of work behind the scenes that is not yet visible, but will pay off after 2.6 with a lot of features that will be able to come quickly. This will be coming in the very next version of MacJournal after 2.6. This is a big change inside of MacJournal and it needed to happen slowly in order to protect your data. Q: Can I put journals inside of other journals?

Macjournal manual